El portal b2b de innovación turística

El portal b2b de innovación turística

Madrid, Navarra y Galicia presentan sus planes de digitalización en DES2021

To gain more insight into how the travel industry and governments can work to rebuild traveler confidence, Amadeus commissioned research to learn more about travelers’ top concerns and what types of technology would help travelers feel safe and comfortable enough to travel and help spur recovery of the travel sector. Informed by over 6,000 travelers across France, Germany, India, Singapore, UK and US, the study found that technology plays a crucial role in supporting recovery, as over 4 in 5 (84%) travelers said technology would increase their confidence to travel in the next 12 months by addressing concerns around mixing with crowds, social distancing and physical touchpoints.

Los CIOs de los gobiernos regionales de Madrid, Navarra y Galicia han participado en la quinta edición de DES-Digital Enterprise Show 2021 donde han revelado los planes y estrategias para impulsar la digitalización en sus territorios, con la ayuda de los fondos NextGenerationEU, como pilar para la reconstrucción y transformación del tejido empresarial e industrial […]